Launching Orbital e-: A Robotic Additive Manufacturing System Priced Below $100k for Education & Research

Campbell, CA – Orbital Composites has launched its latest product, Orbital e-, an affordable yet highly capable robotic additive manufacturing (AM) system tailor-made for education and research customers. Orbital is introducing this compact, single-robot system to democratize access to robotic AM, with a highly attractive starting price of $99.9k, or a 24-month lease option at $3.99k/month. 

The Orbital e- offers a range of standard features including a six-axis robotic arm, a large 1.2m x 1.2m build platform, and ability to print with aerospace grade thermoplastic filaments. The system is equipped with Orb OS, a novel real-time robot control software, enhancing the precision and accuracy of the printing process. 

“Our mission is to make Robotic AM accessible to all and help train the next generation workforce for advanced manufacturing in the United States”, said Orbital’s Founder and CTO Cole Nielsen.

The Orbital e- is designed to be user-friendly so that students and researchers can explore new materials and manufacturing processes. The system’s ability to print complex and intricate designs makes it ideal for the production of parts and components that are difficult or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods. 

“This is just the beginning for Orbital e-,” says Anil Kircaliali, Head of Automation at Orbital Composites. “The system will include several print-head types over time including pellet extrusion, thermoset, continuous-fiber, and machining/finishing end-effectors”. 

Orbital e- perfectly complements our existing portfolio of multi-robot AM systems like Orbital S and Orbital F”, said Amolak Badesha, CEO of Orbital Composites. “With common software across our AM platform, students and researchers will be able to seamlessly transition to our larger, and more advanced systems over time”. Customer deliveries are expected to begin in Q4 of this year. 

Learn more about Orbital e- and pre-order:

About Orbital Composites

Orbital Composites is building robotic factories to manufacture the most advanced composite parts possible, at the cost of sheet metal. The company is an industry pioneer in robotic continuous-fiber AM, with the ability to 3D print highly complex topology optimized structures, pushing the edge of performance. The company has validated its technology via demonstration projects with the US Department of Defense and US Department of Energy. For more information, visit Orbital Composites.

Press Contact:

Hayley Coughlin

Marketing and Business Development 


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